The Do's and Don'ts of Conducting a TMC RFP in Today's Marketplace Webinar Replay
In case you missed our recent webinar: “The Do’s and Don’ts of Conducting a TMC RFP in Today’s Dynamic Marketplace,” the replay is now available below.
The TMC marketplace is undergoing dynamic changes. Acquisitions and consolidation are altering the competitive landscape. NDC content sourcing and servicing requirements are challenging traditional economic and business models. These challenges, coupled with an accelerated investment in new innovative technologies, such as AI and blockchain, are changing how buyers should approach a TMC RFP.
In this 60-minute webinar, Areka leaders shared a set of “Do’s and Don’ts” for an effective TMC RFP process to ensure buyer’s success. Some of the questions covered include:
- How best to determine when to go out to bid
- What new decision criteria should be incorporated into evaluation scorecards
- How can the risks and rewards of deploying new TMC technologies be assessed?
- How can different economic and pricing models be compared and contrasted?
- What are the ways to allow for TMC creativity while also ensuring that core requirements are met?
- Conduct a full-blown RFP or is a series of short RFIs and supplier workshops a more effective approach?
- How can TMC’s NDC readiness for both content access and serviceability be assessed and evaluated?
AREKA is an independent firm providing customized, end-to-end business travel management services to organizations worldwide. Areka’s aim is to empower travel managers and buyers to reach higher performance targets across all areas of their travel program, including corporate travel, expense, and strategic meetings management.
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